Monday, July 23, 2012

Going to Brooklyn, Going So Fast.....

We gladly worked an impromptu trip to Brooklyn into our schedule this past weekend.  Aunt Trisha's show, Sister Act, is scheduled to close in August on Broadway and we realized this was the only weekend we could make it there to see it!  We had an awesome trip and were reminded once again that we need to get you together with your cousins more often, even if it means 4 hours of Dad cursing while driving through Connecticut and New York.
the beautiful Brooklyn Art Museum, with a fabulous water display in the front

Bastian and Olivia awaiting the arrival of the subway

Miss Luthien awaiting as well, adorned in your self-chosen birthday headband

cousin Georges and Uncle Beau giving you, Luthien a tour of the city, pointing out the Empire State Building

looking at the city from the 78th floor of the Empire State Building where Aunt Maria works!

Mom and Dad on our date to Aunt Trisha's she is on the poster outside the Broadway theatre!

some shots from our backstage tour :)...we were so pumped after the amazing performances by Trisha and the other actors... Mom seriously had goosebumps the entire last act!

we couldn't miss out on getting our picture taken with none other than Raven, the star of the show (an arguable claim) For the record, Aunt Trisha said she would have come out of her dressing room so we could meet her, but we didn't want to bother her of course :)

"strong muscle" shots after eating your vegetables

What a fabulous trip... and I didn't even mention or take photos of our jaunt to Central Park!  Can't wait to do it again soon!

Summer Fun

We are having another excellent summer here in Massachusetts.  We have been doing lots of swimming at the beaches and pools, nature walks, going to the parks, and simply running and playing outside (oh, and eating more ice cream than I would like to admit).  We unfortunately missed strawberry picking season so we hope to pick blueberries/blackberries soon!  One of the downsides to living in our apartment is that I can't let you guys play outside while I work inside.  We could easily be out and about from sunrise to sunset here, taking advantage of the light while we have it, but since I actually have to get things done at home and cook meals here, we have to be home some of the time!  Here are a few pictures of some of our indoor summer activities:

LOTS of ball

more your serious ball player face here Bastian 

getting LOTS of use out of our pattern blocks once mom finally broke down and printed out the puzzle/activity sheets :)  Luthien, I was trying to avoid these thinking you should be creating things freely but you are really a girl who loves structure, rules, and objectives kind of like your mom

summer reading!

dressing up and creating

playing lots of doctor/vet

more creating

playing with dear friends!  Bastian, you and Lucy could be mistaken for twins I think!


P.S.  Bastian, the last picture is older so you are wearing a diaper.  We said goodbye to diapers last week, YAY!  After about 3 very hard days you have been a dream to potty train!  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Lovely Lu-Lee

I have plenty of other things to catch up on here, but first I wanted to make sure I told you, Luthien what a very happy mama you make me.  I can't believe you are 4 today.  You have become a girl who is a thinker, observer, and dreamer. You are cautious, and new adventures give you LOTS of anxiety, although you have the desire to pursue them.  Your laugh is and has always been totally infectious; you laugh freely but cry that way too.  You love creatures of all kinds and have no fear with them.  You love your family and any babies you see; you love to exercise control over your brother or anyone younger than you using your incredibly mature sounding motherese.

I can't begin to sum you up!

Here are a few things you have discovered you like lately: 
"chili with chips"
flavors of ice cream other than vanilla, plus CONES!
the color pink 
playing pretend anything (instead of reading, sadly) 
setting the table
smelling soaps
saying sounds and words with precise pronunciation

Things you don't like (most of these are not new discoveries):
cleaning up
pressure to do or try something
not having enough time to speak your mind
singing at the same time as somebody else

The latter list was pretty hard to think of; you are generally a very agreeable girl I have to say.  

More soon, for now I will leave you with some pictures from your birthday and the days leading up to it:

Love you lots,