Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Harvest, and a family photo

We are recovering from another fabulous visit from Nana and Grandad, which always includes a trip to Brooklyn to visit with Aunts, Uncles and cousins.  More on this soon.  But in the meantime I wanted to share a few more thoughts and pictures pre-Nana visit...

We (mostly me) are going to be VERY sad when dad's gig at the farm is up at the end of this month.  I know the experience has helped both of you broaden your palettes when it comes to eating your vegetables.

the most delicious carrots and sweet peppers I have ever tasted...Bastian, you eat 2 whole peppers raw in one sitting, while Luthien prefers the carrots

modeling some new threads from Chels and Mike

I wanted to add this group shot from our Boston visit with Chelsea and Mike because we had such a fun time!

And last but not least- this one will sure make our families proud since we NEVER have a shot all together

Love you two,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh no you didn't...

Dear Luthien and Bastian,
I know it was partially mommy's fault.  She was oh, so tired this morning and asked you to play nicely while she continued sleeping for a half hour (which, by the way never happens).  The two of you somehow managed to find food coloring and spices and dumped them out all over the couch.  Luthien, you had no mercy with your brother- he came to me screaming after you dumped out three full bottles of the food coloring over his head.

What was I thinking?

The mischief didn't end there.  Later today you (Luthien) decided to plug up the sink and let the water fill up, causing major flooding in the bathroom.  Terrible two's?  Not in this family.  I love you Luthien... trying to appreciate your curiosity today was difficult for me today, I admit.



We were delighted to hear that one of our favorite cousins (Dad's), Chelsea, and her husband Mike were in Boston for a short visit.  Oh how we love going to Boston, and wish we could do it more frequently.  It is only about an hour away but seems worlds apart from our current stomping ground.  We met up in Harvard Square, ate some delicious Indian food and ice cream, and ended the evening at the Harvard bookstore.  What a lovely evening and a nice change of pace for us.  Chels and Mike are such naturals with kids, or you two, or both (I'm not sure), but whatever it is, you both warmed right up to them.

In Session

We've been having a lot of fun here at pre-school these past two weeks.  We started with the cliche "autumn" theme but ended it with a bang.  We had been talking about certain hibernating animals and how they prepare prior to hibernation (of course I had to somehow work animals into the lessons, leaves and apples just weren't cutting it for you).   So the last day I set up a new sensory bin filled with dirt (cocoa powder) and plenty of hibernating things.  You practiced using different spoons and scoops, transferring objects and dirt from one container to another, all while discussing the ins and outs of hibernation.  You two had a ball, and even helped me mop the floors afterward (another reason I am grateful to be teaching you at home- I doubt you would learn certain skills like mopping at a regular pre-school!)

We also had a fun surprise to end our week- gifts from Nana!
wolves and foxes for Luthien

And a very important "transitional object" for sleeping for Bastian- a kitty, or "ditty" as you call him.

Bastian, totally enchanted by the picture of Nana
You kept hugging the kitty and staring at the letter/picture she sent,
alternating between saying "Nana" and "ditty."

I can't wait to see what is in store for next week!
Love you both,

Bastian: catch-up

You are 17 months.  Your vocabulary amazes me.  If you don't say a word spontaneously you will repeat it every time.  Really!  Anything we ask you to try to say, you attempt it, and it usually is pretty intelligible, aside from the normal phonological processes for your age.  The one exception to that is your sister's name...don't know why but you have a hard time with even the shortened version "Lu," your approximation is way off.

You also combine words, and frequently now!  This past week you started saying "more ___" (insert food item) all on your own, and you follow it up with a please too!  Other favorite phrases are "my ball" (or whatever object you do not want your sister to take from you), "no puddle" (you don't have rain boots so I can't always let you splash around, much to your dismay), and "bye ____" (daddy, mommy, etc.).

You are growing more and more independent, not wanting me to hold you or your hand as we walk through parking lots, down stairs, etc., and you are very stubborn about it!

More things you hate:  getting your diaper changed STILL, when Roofus walks under your high-chair while you're eating and rubs against your feet, getting your hair washed, band-aids or other things stuck on you.

Things you love: balls are definitely still your favorite, now followed by airplanes, doggies, birds, and kitties.  I don't know if it's the influence from your sister, but you are in love with animals just like she was/is.  You are very social and say hi/bye to EVERYONE we pass by, which is very cute, but sometimes I feel bad because people will actually ignore you!

Almost ready for church on a typical Sunday  morning

To both of my children...

I am looking forward to writing to both of you at once.  I am way too unorganized to separate pictures into different folders and put thoughts on hold about one of you as I write to the other.  Mostly I am hoping I won't be as overwhelmed at the idea of sitting down to write to you two.

Here's to a fresh start :)

Love always,