Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Things We Do When Dad Is Away...

Dress up like one and two headed ghosts after reading a new favorite Tommie dePaolo book (ghosts with no eyes mind you, because we only have one white sheet...imagine me yelling, "Hold out your arms and look down on the ground so you can see!").  We dress up like "Mary" and put daddy's boots on, make lots of things with our new pattern blocks and learn how to deal with Bastian attempting to destroy our creations after about 30 seconds.  Luthien, the yellow hexagons are people, and the long blue line is a giant mouth of teeth.  Your drawings and other formations of people at this point are just eyes, noses, mouths, and legs.

Here is what we don't do: turn on the t.v.!  Isn't it glorious?  I recently made the decision that we would not turn on the t.v. to watch shows/movies anymore except for a once a week movie night as a family.  We didn't watch a lot before, just 1 half hour show each day usually, but it is still a huge deal.  It has been a difficult transition for Dad, but has really become a non-issue for us.  You both used to ask me if you could watch a show at some point or multiple times during the day, but now you NEVER ask.  And when we all snuggle on the couch on a Friday night together to watch something, let me tell you, those times are really special.

I am learning and growing and love every minute of it.  Yes, today was a good day and there most definitely are bad, but I am continually working on finding joy throughout all of it.


1 comment:

  1. So cute! Good for you, Jess, with the TV. I have gone through cycles with the boys where I let them watch 30 minutes or so each day and then no TV at all, and by the third day no one even asks! They love me to read books to them or play, etc. It's more work, but there will be a bigger payoff I think. I hope... :)

    Those two are the most gorgeous kids ever. Love you!
