Sunday, October 2, 2011

Oh no you didn't...

Dear Luthien and Bastian,
I know it was partially mommy's fault.  She was oh, so tired this morning and asked you to play nicely while she continued sleeping for a half hour (which, by the way never happens).  The two of you somehow managed to find food coloring and spices and dumped them out all over the couch.  Luthien, you had no mercy with your brother- he came to me screaming after you dumped out three full bottles of the food coloring over his head.

What was I thinking?

The mischief didn't end there.  Later today you (Luthien) decided to plug up the sink and let the water fill up, causing major flooding in the bathroom.  Terrible two's?  Not in this family.  I love you Luthien... trying to appreciate your curiosity today was difficult for me today, I admit.


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