We are recovering from another fabulous visit from Nana and Grandad, which always includes a trip to Brooklyn to visit with Aunts, Uncles and cousins. More on this soon. But in the meantime I wanted to share a few more thoughts and pictures pre-Nana visit...
We (mostly me) are going to be VERY sad when dad's gig at the farm is up at the end of this month. I know the experience has helped both of you broaden your palettes when it comes to eating your vegetables.
the most delicious carrots and sweet peppers I have ever tasted...Bastian, you eat 2 whole peppers raw in one sitting, while Luthien prefers the carrots
modeling some new threads from Chels and Mike
I wanted to add this group shot from our Boston visit with Chelsea and Mike because we had such a fun time!
And last but not least- this one will sure make our families proud since we NEVER have a shot all together
Love you two,