Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wrapping Up Summer part 2

I had a couple more pictures lingering on my camera that more or less illustrate our summer.  From dog-sitting "Jolie," to zoo visits, to baseball in the courtyard, to talking a lot about trees around here, we've been busy!  I have a bit of anxiety about the dark winter months I have noticed, both last year and now this year; it's not so much about the cold/snow as it is about the darkness in the sky.  Strange, especially considering I detest the heat and never got this feeling when the AZ summers were about to hit.  Anyhow, that won't be for awhile and like I said before, we are very much looking forward to a brilliant autumn.

sweet Jolie putting up with you crazy kids!

Luthien, one of your favorite lunches is what we call "Nibble Trays." This is how you organize yours, I feel it explains a lot about your personality!

we spent about two weeks discussing trees; here is one of your related creations

and another shot, thanks to you Bastian!  I love how you captured the light on that bird's nest!
we picked a perfect day to go to the zoo in which the weather alternated from rain to sunshine; the animals were out and the humans were not

the otters followed your yellow ticket anywhere you moved it; pretty amazing tracking abilities from the otters and lots of giggles on your part!

we admired the new baby beavers for a LONG particular we could not get enough of tiny beaver tails

Luthien you are so excited about starting school... apparently this is what it will be like
