Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Christmas 2011

Luthien and Bastian,
We had a fabulous time in Arizona for Christmas this year.  In fact, you two can't stop talking about it and asking when we can go back.  I had never witnessed such cuteness with so many cousins playing so well together.  Something is different about the way in which cousins play together.  Luthien, you and Amelie will be best friends forever, I am sure of it.  You two share a love for books and jumping on beds, and Luthien, you love to be the mother hen in every situation.  We had to have the tattling conversation numerous times on this trip.  Bastian, it breaks my heart every time you ask if you can go back to Grandad's house and "play, play basketball, play play tennis ball, play play football with Jack and Ryan."  This was certainly the highlight of the trip for you.  I guess you use the double verb to emphasize just how much playing you did while there.  I have been trying to play ball with you more at home but it is not the same; you really miss those boys, as well as your Uncles Kade and Rhett.  Here are a few random pictures from our trip (camera doesn't work so well so we couldn't use all the pictures we wanted to), plus a few extra from before we left.
Paper snowflakes at home + our little Rudolph dolled up for a Christmas party
Loving how much we all read lately....I often catch the two of you this way
Luthien's present dropped off by Santa a few days early
Desert Museum in Tucson- thanks for the tickets Grandpa!
Luthien's highlight: horseback riding with Amelie

Visiting with old friends Mary Elise and Lucy

Sunset walks in the mountains with Nana and Grandad

Luthien, you could not get enough of your new baby cousin Cedar; you adore babies these days

I promise we will go sometime again this year!  That is what I tell you for now, that is about all I can promise.  We love you Arizona but it is good to be home :)